❓I’m personally involved in a construction project. How can we be sure the final cost won’t exceed the bond amount?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

❓What interest rates are your bone projections based on?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

📢Save the Date and learn more.
ℹ️Informational Meeting
Sunday, November 5, 2023
⏰2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tours, informational booths with experts in finance, construction and educational impact
Doniphan-Trumbull West Gym
❓Learn more and make a plan to vote using the mail-in ballot and return to your county courthouse by November 14th at 5:00 PM.
🌐Visit the D-T School Bond Website https://dtcardinals.campaigninformation.org/.

❓How many option students currently attend D-T?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

❓Why couldn’t the bond wait until the Spring ‘24 general election (primary)?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

❓I received the bond mailing on Oct 19 but the meeting was Oct 16. Why?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

📢Save the Date and learn more.
ℹ️Informational Meeting
Sunday, November 5, 2023
⏰2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tours, informational booths with experts in finance, construction and educational impact
Doniphan-Trumbull West Gym
❓Learn more and make a plan to vote using the mail-in ballot and return to your county courthouse by November 14th at 5:00 PM.
🌐Visit the D-T School Bond Website https://dtcardinals.campaigninformation.org/.

❓The building fund is 7.4 cents of the total levy of 88 cents. As property values increase, the levy brings in more money. WIll the 88 cents drop?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

❓I received the bond mailing on Oct 19 but the meeting was Oct 16. Why?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

❓Who is the contractor and how were they chosen?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

📬 Need an absentee ballot?
If you have questions about registration, ballots, or voting, or if you will be away from the address where your ballot will be mailed, contact the Hall County Election Commissioner’s office at 308.385.5085 or email tracyo@hallcountyne.gov

🤷Curious what the new shop, ag and band addition will look like? What about if proposition 2 passes, what will the new competition gym be like?
The D-T Bond website has renderings and a walkthrough to check out. Here is a sneak peek…
🎥https://youtu.be/wbxzGLKTkYM- take a walking view of the new Shop & Ag space, the new band room and enter the gymnasium thru the new activity entrance if proposition 2 passes.
🌐Visit the D-T School Bond Website for more https://dtcardinals.campaigninformation.org/.
⚫️⚪️🔴 #TheCardinalWay

Ready to turn in your ballot and would rather not send it in the mail. County election office information and addresses are provided here. Remember that ballots are due November 14th at 5:00 PM.

📢 Remember that ballots are due November 14th at 5:00 PM. ⚫️🔴⚪️

❓I received the bond mailing on Oct 19 but the meeting was Oct 16. Why?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

Ready to turn in your ballot and would rather not send it in the mail. County election office information and addresses are provided here. Remember that ballots are due November 14th at 5:00 PM.

❓Why couldn’t the bond wait until the Spring ‘24 general election (primary)?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

📬 Need an absentee ballot?
If you have questions about registration, ballots, or voting, or if you will be away from the address where your ballot will be mailed, contact the Hall County Election Commissioner’s office at 308.385.5085 or email tracyo@hallcountyne.gov

❓How many years is the bond active?
📢Check out an answer below and find more information here:

📬 📬 📬 Mail Today: If you are sending in your ballot via USPS, it is recommended to mail it 14 days in advance. Today would be 14 days in advance.