Tyler Engle and Mrs. Turner work hard to get the graduation decorations done. 📷: Gracie Richter, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Today's Class of 2022's Graduation will be streamed on Striv @1 if you are not able to make it. Congratulations to the Class of 2022! #TheCardinalWay #WeAreDT
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
Today's Class of 2022's Graduation will be streamed on Striv @1 if you are not able to make it. Congratulations to the Class of 2022! #TheCardinalWay #WeAreDT
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
And they're off! Run fast, jump high and long! #TheCardinalWay 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
over 2 years ago, Doniphan-Trumbull High School
Mrs.Turners English 10 students do a discussion over the book they read during their lit. circle. 📷: Gracie Richter, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
Freshman Nate Kissinger recieves his varsity band letter from Band director Mr. Watson. 📷: Jaden Williams, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journslism
Teacher hands student varsity letter
Congratulations to these Jr. High kids who made it to State Track. State Track will be held this Saturday in Gothenburg @9. Hope to see you there supporting our team and Good Luck to the competitors! #TheCardinalWay #WeAreDT
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
Eighth graders Emma Hoppe and Lily Elsbury observe DNA strands. 📷: Olivia Hoppe, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Senior Sophie Fitch receives an award at last nights Doniphan -Trumbull Honors Banquet. 📷: Kaleah Olson, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
awards banquet
Today marked the class of '22's last day. The seniors showed up carrying their belongings in 'anything but a backpack,' and they celebrated the end of high school by wheeling down the halls in various forms of transportation. #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Sophomore Olivia Hoppe completes a math assignment in Algerbra 2. 📷: Emily Shimmin, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
olivia hoppe colors in math class
High school track members help run the home JH track meet on Monday. 📷: Ridley Sadd, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
The journalism class took a trip to the Blue Rock Coffee Shop during block day. 📷: Kaleah Olson, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Coffee trip
❗️WATCH❗️ The 5th Graders had their egg drop last Friday. Here is the Link below to watch to see who's egg survived! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaybYdGFFdQ
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
If you haven't ordered your 7-12 yearbook yet, don't wait! Yearbooks are almost sold out, and you won't want to miss your opportunity to remember this year. Order online at https://bit.ly/3qMbLNC or bring $45 to the HS office. #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Cover image
Go support our boys golf team tomorrow at Lochland Country Club. The first tee time will be at 9 am. #GoCards #TheCardinalWay #DTcards
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
DT Varsity track will travel to Thayer Central on Thursday for a track meet beginning at 10:30am. Good luck team! #TheCardinalWay #GoCards #DTCards #Track
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
❗️WATCH❗️ The 5th Graders had their egg drop last Friday. Here is the Link below to watch to see who's egg survived! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaybYdGFFdQ
over 2 years ago, Social Media Team
Coach Kelan Buhr prepares for his speech about the boy's high school basketball team. 📷: Gracie Richter, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism
Coach Chris Seberger talks about the 2022 golf season, Friday at the pep rally. 📷: Ridley Sadd, DT Journalism #DTjournalism #DTcards #TheCardinalWay #GoCards
over 2 years ago, DT Journalism