Teacher In-Service Late Start

**TEACHER IN-SERVICE LATE START**: Doniphan-Trumbull Public Schools will be running a delayed start for their professional development / in-service on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.  After consulting with the National Weather Service in Hastings the decision was made to delay the start of the work day until 11:30 AM on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Teacher professional development / in-service will begin at 11:30 AM to provide additional time for teachers to navigate road conditions.  Specific questions should be directed to your principal or supervisor.  The remainder of the half day of in-service will be moved until the end of the school year.  As of now, there has not been an impact on the student's last day of school due to the weather.  Weather permitting, students will return to school on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

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