
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 Doniphan-Trumbull Secondary School Families,

Last Friday, part of our high school roof suffered extensive wind damage, likely due to prolonged exposure to high winds on Friday and throughout the spring.  The damage included the roof membrane detaching and the drain pipes breaking loose that are above the suspended ceiling in classrooms and hallways on the second floor above the science classrooms.

After more discovery and some brainstorming with local construction experts, we decided to try and save what of the roof we could in order to also prevent further damage by rain in the forecast.  Thanks to many volunteers and employees who came in, we filled many, many, many sandbags, well over 10 pallets full to help stop the wind from doing more damage and then additional community members reinforced the drain pipes from the roof.  As a result of this teamwork, we had only minimal water come into the building Friday night, and since all drain pipes were repaired.

Operating with an abundance of caution for student and staff safety, we have temporarily relocated classes that are typically held in Mr. Gehring’s and Ms. Rader’s classrooms until the roofing company and other repairs are complete at the end of the day Wednesday (4/27).  The roofing company will finish making temporary repairs today (Tuesday, 4/26), but permanent re-roofing of the section will be in late summer due to materials being in high demand.  Insurance adjusters are being scheduled as well to inspect this and other wind damage.

I am very thankful and blessed to serve so many selfless community members and employees; who at the drop of a hat came to serve by filling up sandbags, driving machinery, making repairs, and helping make other phone calls.  

I also appreciate the opportunity to serve your family as your superintendent and collaborate to foster an environment where every student receives a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.  Please know we take the safety of our students paramount to all decisions we make and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.



Jeremy Braden

Superintendent of Schools