August 1, 2024
Dear Doniphan-Trumbull Public School Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The new school year is upon us. Our maintenance, custodial, and office staff have been hard at work preparing for the school year. This year, we will welcome nearly 500 students. We serve students in 3-year-old preschool through our 18+ programming. There is nothing like the excitement of a new school year. We are thrilled to serve the students of the Doniphan-Trumbull community and aim to serve each student with a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.
As you prepare for the school year, please reflect on your student's growth and the memories you have created with your family. Students often recall the time spent with caring adults, and we are fortunate to live in a community filled with caring adults in and out of the school building. Thank you to each caring adult who seeks to innovate with students, serve their needs, and help them achieve a lifetime of personal success.
Our D-T mission is focused on serving every student with a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment. Our core values of integrity, growth, and respect are at the heart of our efforts. This encompasses The Cardinal Way, one in which we innovate, serve, and achieve.
Please utilize our school website ( and our dtcardinals app, or as relevant social media platforms, to answer any questions or find information about upcoming events; remember, the first day of school is Thursday, August 15th. We are committed to Every Student, Every Day, The Cardinal Way.
Welcome back, Cardinals!
Mr. Braden, Superintendent