Monday, January 15, 2024
**CLOSED: Doniphan-Trumbull Public Schools will be closed for students on Monday, January 15, 2024, due to limited bus availability, snow-covered roads on bus routes, and dangerous windchills. After consulting with the National Weather Service in Hasting, and Hall County Road Departments, the decision was made to close school on Monday, January 15th. While we realize this isn't the most convenient for our families, the safety of our students, staff, and families is our priority. After driving several of our bus routes and county roads, combined with frigid temperatures, student safety is a priority.
Staff (teachers and paraprofessionals) will report by 9:30 AM if they are able to for a teacher work day. If staff are not able to report they will need to make up the day. Staff are permitted to bring their children if necessary and contact your supervisor with any questions.
Decisions on student activities (practices & games) will be made later in the day pending snow removal on county roads.
Please monitor your email, text alerts, and/or social media when or if any additional information is shared.**