If you and your family are struggling with the rising cost of food, DT can help. Families that are eligible for free and reduced lunches are encouraged to complete the Kind Nest Food Cupboard application. Once we have received your application more information will be emailed or sent to you on how to make a request for food.
If your family is not in need, and would like to help support the Kind Nest Food Cupboard, please consider making a financial donation to Project Hunger. Every dollar raised by community members in our school district is designated to fund the DT Kind Nest Food Cupboard. For every 1 can of food a community member could donate, Project Hunger can purchase 3-4 cans for the same price.
Last year Project Hunger provided over $8,000 in food to our Food Cupboard with very little funding coming from the communities in our school district. This year the goal is to raise $10,000 for Project Hunger, so that our Kind Nest Food Cupboard is fully funded by the community and can expand to reach more individuals, including the elderly, shut-ins or disabled individuals in our communities that are facing food insecurity.
If you would like to make a donation to Project Hunger, please send your donation to the address below. Make sure you designate your donation to go towards the Doniphan-Trumbull Food Cupboard.
Project Hunger, Inc.
P.O. Box 967
Grand Island, NE 68802