Back to School Aug 17

August 1, 2023

Dear Doniphan-Trumbull Public School Community,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  There is nothing like the excitement of a new school year.  The Doniphan-Trumbull Public School is excited to welcome our students, your children, and your family back into the hallways of one of the best schools in the State of Nebraska.  

As your summer fun comes to a close, take time to remember and value those experiences, time, and memories you have shared with your family.  The simplest times spent eating frozen treats, enjoying a walk or bike ride in town, or taking in the country landscape with families are what our children will remember.  Put simply, the time we spent with our most valuable members of our community, our children will remember the TIME we spent with them.

The calendar has turned to August and the time is coming to bring our children back to D-T.  Our mission is focused on serving every student with a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.  We do this by serving students and families with integrity, growth, and respect at our core.  This encompasses The Cardinal Way, one in which we innovate, serve, and achieve.  

Please utilize our school website and our dtcardinals app, or as relevant, social media platforms, to answer any questions or find information about upcoming events, remember the first day of school is Thursday, August 17th.  We are committed to Every Student, Every Day, The Cardinal Way.

Welcome back Cardinals!

Mr. Braden, Superintendent