The District Wellness Committee for Doniphan-Trumbull has completed its Triennial Assessment Report as required in statute and policy. This report is completed as Doniphan-Trumbull Public School’s fulfillment of the requirements for the USDA Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment through the Nebraska Department of Education; Office of Coordinated Student Support Services.
The full report can be reviewed here and contains a self-assessment of the wellness policy and goal progress reports as conducted by the Wellness Team at D-T. Additional plans are in the works for the next three years.
The District Wellness Committee will meet four times a year and the following individuals were invited to be a member of the D-T Wellness Committee:
- Administrator: Jeremy Braden (Co-Facilitator)
- Nurse: Jaime Kreutz (Co-Facilitator)
- Parent: Trisha VanDiest
- Health / PE Teacher: Tanner Barth
- Parent: Laurel Rader
- Kitchen Manager: Melissa Wright
- School Staff: Steph Roach
- Student: Cody DeFeo
- Student: Ben VanDiest
- School Custodial / Maintenance: Scott Sjuts
- Early Childhood Teacher: Kristi Rollen
- Elementary Teacher: Danielle Blake (23-24 School Year)
- Secondary Teacher: Avery Umphreys (23-24 School Year)