Activities Announcement: Girls Tennis Interest Meeting

April 4, 2023

Dear Doniphan-Trumbull Families,

We are excited to announce a meeting that will take place on April 17, 2023, at Doniphan-Trumbull School Library at 6:15 PM to discuss the possibility of starting a girls' tennis team at Doniphan-Trumbull.  The purpose of this meeting is to gain an understanding of potential participation numbers and gauge interest in playing tennis.

We have received inquiries and survey data about the possibility of starting a team in the past and we believe that it would be a great addition to our school's athletic program. However, starting a tennis team comes with start-up costs associated with the sport, and we are exploring possible sharing or cooperative agreements to help offset these costs.

Additionally, we want to discuss the possibility of playing cooperatively with another school. There are only two classes in tennis, A, and B.  If we were to play in a tennis coop, this would more than likely mean that we play Class B, but participating in a coop may help with the sustainability of the sport from a student perspective and help with the start-up costs associated with the sport.

We hope to address any concerns you may have regarding these issues at the meeting.  We invite you to attend this meeting to express your interest and learn more about the potential opportunities available.  

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Tyler Mogilefsky

Activities Director