Posters For Positivity
Posters for Positivity
Two Junior Students try to make a change
By: Katrina Caraway

Two journalism students at Doniphan-Trumbull have taken on the project of spreading body positivity through design. Juniors Sophie Fitch and Carley Johnson thought it would be a fantastic idea to make posters and help people feel a little better about themselves. The goal is to get girls to really love their bodies.
“I believe that every girl and boy should feel comfortable and confident in the skin they were born in. No one should have to change themselves,” said Johnson.
When the posters are done, they will be displayed in the highschool girl’s locker room. The two are hoping that while girls are getting ready in there, they will look up, see their posters, and feel empowered. They don’t want girls to think that there is a perfect body type or a certain way a body should look. They want the ladies using the locker room to know that every body is beautiful, no matter what they look like.
“Almost every girl in the highschool goes into the locker room at least once a day, and these posters will just be a little reminder to love themselves,” said Fitch
Many people all over the world struggle with body image. In a poll taken, 61% of high school Doniphan-Trumbull students struggle with body image. This may be a shockingly high number, but considering the school currently does not do anything to promote body positivity, it isn’t that surprising. After receiving an open-ended design assignment for their Journalism 2 class, Fitch and Johnson, decided to put up posters to start the body positivity movement at DT.
“I feel like the posters in the locker room are a good idea because daily reminders of self-confidence will motivate me to love myself,” said sophomore Kayla Kennedy.
Although spreading body positivity is a big accomplishment in itself, Fitch and Johnson also had to take on the challenge of making the posters. The two girls will be using Adobe Illustrator, a professional design program used by professional graphic artists and designers, to create their posters.
When complete, the project will be a series of four coordinating posters, with each girl making two. Fitch and Johnson are willing to put in the hard work so that girls can have a little confidence boost everyday.
“I think that looking at these posters will provide a sense of security in how they should feel about their bodies,” said Johnson.