No More Energy Drinks For DT
No More Energy Drinks For DT
by Emily
Doniphan-Trumbull High School opened its doors for the new school year, and many sleepy students have already noticed a big change. The handbook has long officially banned energy drinks in school, but this year, that rule is being enforced.
Sophomore Kaleah Olson said, “I don’t really drink energy drinks unless it is necessary, like for example if I feel tired before one of my sports games I will drink a Bang for a little boost of energy. So the ban on energy drinks doesn’t really affect me all that much.”
Some people think that energy drinks are a quick fix for drowsiness, but the long-term and short-term effects outweigh the benefits. Energy drinks are linked to obesity, high vital signs, and cardiovascular issues. A single energy drink contains more sugar and caffeine than the average person should have in a day. The average serving size for women is about 6 teaspoons, for men, it is 9 tablespoons. Ingesting too much sugar can lead to weight gain, increase the risk of diabetes and, in those with diabetes, increase the chance of having a heart attack or stroke.
The new enforcement of this long-standing policy is meant to help keep kids safe. According to the CDC, “In 2011, 1,499 adolescents aged 12 to 17 visited the ER for an energy drink-related emergency.”
While DT may have these drinks banned, other schools do not have the same policy. Nationwide, 75% of districts don't have a policy in place regarding these sorts of beverages that contain high levels of caffeine purchasable in high school vending machines, schools stores, or the cafeteria.
Olivia Hoppe, another 10th grader from Doniphan-Trumbull said, “I don’t like energy drinks because I’m trying to measure a clean and healthy lifestyle that I feel everyone should try, so I’m all for the rule about energy drinks.”
Despite the handbook policy, DT actually used to sell Kickstarts, a type of energy drink associated with Mountain Dew, in the lunchroom, but at the instruction of administrators, they no longer do so. However, this empty slot in the beverage cooler has left a gap in some caffeine-loving students’ days.
Ridley Sadd, a 10th grader from Doniphan-Trumbull said, “I enjoyed going to the pump before school and getting a Celsius for the days I was feeling sluggish. I’m very annoyed that we can’t have energy drinks anymore.”